We are Executive Franchise Leads. We are a company that knows how to deliver a future franchisee. We sort through all the people who are interested in franchises to find the individuals that have the interest, drive and resources to act on their desire to be a franchise owner. These individuals are the only ones we want. That's because when we give you a lead, it's more than a lead. We are giving you a franchise candidate.
Our business is to help you maximize your business resources. Another way of looking at it is that we find the people who are ready to do business so you can close their business. We work with you to come up with the profile of the perfect candidate for your offer. Using this as our criteria, we deliver only the candidates that meet the standards of your profile. The rest is up to you.
The process works like this. The Executive Franchise Leads network captures people who have expressed an interest in owning a franchise. Then, our team of professionals contacts them live over the phone to verify that he or she meets the financial standards you set for your desired profile. We also confirm that the person is interested in your franchise category.
Individuals that meet the profile and are interested in your category will not help you however, if he or she is not a match geographically. That is why at Executive Franchise Leads, we offer GEO targeting by State, County or Zip code at no additional charge.
So first we verify that they meet your financial requirements. Then we confirm that they have an interest in owning a franchise in your category. Finally, we make sure that they want to buy your franchise in a territory that you have available. Now you have what Executive Franchise Leads considers a franchise candidate.
Our leads are not for everybody. But if you spend more time and resources just trying to find a high-qualified franchisee that wants to do business instead of using that same time and resource closing an open franchise opportunity, then you need Executive Franchise Leads.
Click here to email us for more information about our franchise sales lead generation programs.

Our high-quality lead generation tools define the industry standard for what’s next.
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